The goal of Budget 101 Workshop is to provide support to help strengthen and improve an individual’s and family’s financial knowledge and decision-making skills to achieve financial freedom. This is a great program for anyone looking to become more educated about personal financial management. The class is taught by certified financial counselors and other professionals from the community on a range of topics including:
Creating a Spending Plan that works
Saving for future goals
Evaluating your credit, rebuilding credit and using credit wisely
Avoiding pitfalls and consumer traps
Registration: If you have any questions or would like to register for the online course please call
(406) 752-6565 or email
Counseling: One on One counseling is free and specific to your situation. Please let the workshop leader know if you want a private appointment. Or, if you are not attending the workshop, please call
(406) 752-6565 to make an appointment.
Location: Community Action Partnership of NW MT (CAPNM), 1820 Hwy 93 S, Kalispell, MT 59901
Questions: Contact 406-752-6565